Winter time is back in Chicago. And we know how dry it can get during this time of year. So to help, we have our winter hair rescue promo! Add any K18 or Olaplex treatment to your service and get 25% off a K18 or Olaplex product!!

We hope you and your loved ones are safe & healthy!
A HUGE thank you to all of you for supporting us during these crazy times!
We love each and every one of you and without you Bang Salon! Could not be the salon it is today!
As things are moving back to normalcy, we are still requiring the use of masks for all clients and employees till further notice.
Keep and eye on our social pages for updated information.
Love Always,
Bang Salon!
Winter time is back in Chicago. And we know how dry it can get during this time of year. So to help, we have our winter hair rescue promo! Add any K18 or Olaplex treatment to your service and get 25% off a K18 or Olaplex product!!